Firefighter rescues girl who fell from moving bus

Truly a Hero: Ryan Ciampoli
A quick acting Honda employee and volunteer firefighter helped a four year old girl after falling out of a moving bus. Ryan was driving with a dash cam recording when the four year old seems to push open the rear door on the moving bus. She is observed falling in the middle of a roadway and Ryan stops his vehicle and recovers the girl almost immediately.
What Ryan Witnessed
“I saw it happening, and it blew my mind, it was like I wasn’t even seeing what I was seeing,” said Ryan Ciampoli. Ciampoli is also a licensed EMT. He witnessed the young girl falling from the bus onto a busy highway and decided to take action.
The girl suffered a broken jaw and bruising. The girl’s jaw was said to require surgery soon. The young girl’s mother is thankful for the heroic efforts and does not blame the bus driver for any foul play.
Firefighter rescues Girl
Ryan Ciampoli, said she was unconscious at first, but woke up before he picked her up.
He carried her away from the road and checked her vital’s before paramedics came to the scene.
Ciampoli told reporters he normally wouldn’t move someone so quickly after a traumatic injury, but he wanted to get the girl out of harm’s way.
The bus driver returned to the scene of the incident 15 minutes later, according to Ciampoli.
Our prayers are with this young girl and family. We wish her a speedy recovery and much success with her surgery for her jaw.
The Bus Driver Returns
The unidentified bus driver had returned to the scene after fifteen minutes. It is not known at this time if the rear door was unlocked. In the video it looks like the rear door was not locked and was easily moved. It seems like a freak accident with no one responsible.